Have you voted yet? If not, click out of this email and GO. VOTE.
Have your friends voted? Your partner? Your coworkers? Your siblings? Your parents? Your neighbors? Text, call, and chat up your people, and make sure they’ve voted.
Vote because it’s your civic duty, and being a good citizen still matters.
Vote because it’s a right people fought and died for, and this seems like the least you can do is.
Vote because you care about other people.
Vote because you care about the future of the planet.
Vote because you believe women have rights and we should all be free.
Vote because you believe in the democratic system.
Vote because you aren’t willing to risk America’s democratic future.
Vote because you aren’t willing to let the worst people in the country take it over.
Vote because you choose hope over fear.
Vote because you choose openness over hate.
Vote for honesty and dignity. Vote for fairness and opportunity.
Vote for the America you want.
I don’t care why you vote: Vote because you just got this email; vote because a stranger on the internet told you to; vote because you should probably just stand up and take a walk, so you might as well walk to the polls.
Just vote.
xx Jill