Photo by Phil Hearing on Unsplash
Happy Monday! Here are some fine reads from around the web, plus what you might have missed from the newsletter and elsewhere this week.
From around the web:
The Trump shooting is a reminder: we live in a grim new era of political violence by Moira Donegan in the Guardian
They’re crimes — so why do we keep calling them ‘porn’? by Jasmine Mithani in the 19th
Why Parents Don’t Mind if Their Kids Don’t Marry by Stephanie H. Murray in the Atlantic
Patriarchy and the Women Who Love It by Mona Eltahawy in Feminist Giant (Substack)
‘People Say, You Sold Your Baby’: How Utah became the most exploitative state in private adoption by Gabrielle Glaser in The Cut
"The Will of the People," Except on Abortion by Jessica Valenti in Abortion, Every Day (Substack)
The real lesson for America in the French and British elections by Zack Beauchamp in Vox
From here and there:
The GOP Isn’t Getting Less Radical on Abortion—They’re Getting Better at Lying (Ms. Magazine)
Why I Support—but Fear—a Kamala Harris Candidacy (Slate)
Trump’s move to the center is stunningly transparent (CNN)
Debate Is Constructive. Destruction Is Not.
What do TradWives have to do with Democracy?
Happy reading!
xx Jill + Tamar