Didn’t like the cheap shot at John Fetterman. It comes off as snooty/ mean girl. He’s a genuine descent guy who’s done a lot for Pennsylvania, went to Harvard for his Masters, seems humble, his kid’s wearing a “Be Kind” shirt, he’s pro abortion rights. Seems low of you to attack him for not being polished enough. And the fact that he’s had a stroke and it affected his speech lead to an avalanche of ableist meanness from the left and the right. Glad real people in PA had no trouble seeing he’s waaaay more qualified to lead PA in Senate versus quack medicine semi Nazi Trump stan Oz.
Didn’t like the cheap shot at John Fetterman. It comes off as snooty/ mean girl. He’s a genuine descent guy who’s done a lot for Pennsylvania, went to Harvard for his Masters, seems humble, his kid’s wearing a “Be Kind” shirt, he’s pro abortion rights. Seems low of you to attack him for not being polished enough. And the fact that he’s had a stroke and it affected his speech lead to an avalanche of ableist meanness from the left and the right. Glad real people in PA had no trouble seeing he’s waaaay more qualified to lead PA in Senate versus quack medicine semi Nazi Trump stan Oz.
So true!!