Jill, thank you for being gutsy enough to write this. My family was front and center to this story and I always felt so bad for her and her family. Ever since this happened, whenever I hear his name, I remember what he did to my daughters friend. I even have a ridiculous aversion to ordering Kobe beef. I have not, nor will I ever, forget when I hear his name. She was a beautiful, young, talented girl, and while she was not perfect she did not deserve what happened after this incident. I also know the young man that saw her immediately after the incident and know that he would not have stood behind her if he didn’t see what he saw and believe it based on how she came out of the room. Your article is so well written and I’m sure one of her friends will share it with her so that she knows that she was believed no matter how much she might have been told the opposite. I don’t believed this was his “karma” as some people suggested, but rather, I hope he learned from the situation, especially after having so many daughters, and drastically changed his ways. Nice job!

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Absolutely exquisite article! We just subscribed for a year to read more of your views. Have tears in our eyes of gratitude. Also sadness for the state of affairs for women in America.

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You are absolutely right, this was not proven in a court of law. If ever there was a time to understand that white feminism is an oxymoron, this is it. A husband, father and role model has perished with his 13 year old daughter. At least wait until he is buried to go for your moment of fame.

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This is what you write after reading such a thoughtful well thought out article? You can't change the past by ignoring it. A major opportunity to learn and do better moving forward.

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No one is ignoring it.

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Thank you so much for writing exactly what I was thinking. This is an amazing article. I just joined. Would you consider sending this to the NYT - I think they would publish it.

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Just posted what happened at the Washington Post - why oh why can the whole truth about Kobe, not be told? He certainly leaves behind a complicated legacy... but I wish the truth was important. I am heartbroken with regards to how women are treated in our country...

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Thank you for this important writing of remembrance and recognition of the larger picture. I do have a comment about your use of the word myth when you state, “Awe without honesty isn’t respect; it’s myth.” Actually it is myopia. Myth is a larger context activating many responses in human beings beyond just awe. I see your use of myth in its pejorative sense of falsehood. Myth speaks to truths outside of the mundane paradigm of dualistic thinking. Your larger context of speaking to the ability to hold the greater complexities of a human life in their light and shadow is mythic. Thank you for writing.

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The second-most horrific thing Kobe ever did was introduce the stunningly insulting term “girl dad” to our lexicon. Rot in hell for that one.

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He died a rapist, unprosecuted. That is what I remember.

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