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Melania’s was often portrayed at the victim of a hostage marriage. But as you rightly point out she was a birther and prior to that a vassal of Cold War Rhetoric. Recently she berated socialist enemies. I’m glad you have exposed the lie. Yes women are just like other people. It requires a Jill Filipovic feminist to go further now. Two the two most prominent Q-Anon House representatives are women. Women played their part in the recent insurrection. Many middle class suburban white women fully subscribe to Q because they think they are protecting the children from pedophiles. Their seeming normalcy is much more powerful than the testosterone fueled camouflaged gun toting men/children who attract more headlines. Is their a feminist commentator who is getting into this? I would be happy to be pointed in that direction.

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She is just...ghastly. I think of her as the First Gold Digger. Can we talk about how much she has cost taxpayers compared to other First Ladies? Her stint in NYC before moving into the White House was very expensive (did she use that time to renegotiate her prenup?). I so look forward to having an educated, experienced, thoughtful woman as the First Lady.

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