Ditto on the despondency; I have been sickened by what is going on everywhere; the pushback on women's rights.....oh, it's okay, just rape the shit out of them...f they get pregnant too fig bad, and if as a result of the rape or they die from the pregnancy -- or any pregnancy, wanted or not -- well, I used to say "if she dies she dies:. Now I say, "if she dies she dies; that's the idea". God the world so hates women.

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So we definitely need to show solidarity with the women of Ukraine and have global solidarity regarding womens rights not just for them but for ourselves. I’ve been so despondent about abortion criminalization and it does not hit liberal men the same way. I’ve been told by people close to me that I can leave the state (I live in Georgia) for the very “small” chance that I need an abortion. They don’t understand that it is not about abortion itself necessarily but that the state has the ability to control my body and that I am a second class citizen under the eyes of the law. After the election I fear the first impulse will be to “compromise” with the Republicans on abortion. We need solidarity for morale and to realize that we are in the same misogynistic boat and to hold the moral high ground in addition to relieve their suffering.

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