"It just made sense" is one of my pet-peeve phrases. It's used to give a "decision" the veneer of logic, of thoughtfulness, when in fact, it usually covers up "decisions" based on feelings, status quo, and the path of least resistance for that one person. "It just made sense" is what you say when you do what's expected of you by your family or culture, and you don't realize how influenced you are by these outside forces. "It just made sense" is what you say when you make decisions based on assumptions and ideology. "It just made sense" is what you say when you can't explain your reasoning -- because there wasn't any.

The rest of this excerpt only further enraged me. 😂

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Was coming here to say just this!

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Makes me think of Silvia Federici's work on unpaid domestic labor. I learned so much from her book Caliban and the Witch. NYT did an interview with her in February 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/17/magazine/waged-housework.html

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Just ordered this book on Audible, as I am visually impaired.

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I hate to say it, but I’m glad I’m not alone in somehow ending up in a dependent-wife situation, and more glad that someone sees it as something to write/worry about. I wasn’t able to get any job after my master degree in 2010, and we made ourselves feel better by saying I wouldn’t have made more than child care anyway, as if pay were the only value. But I struggled for years over my value, wanting so much more for myself than only one thing - motherhood.

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