Free birth control sparks protest by the anti-abortion movement. Does that not say it all?

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"The GOP majority US Senate blocked the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment"

Please clarify. It's my understanding that the Senate is a narrow Democratic party majority.

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It does need clarification. After all, Mitchy-Mitch is the MINORITY leader.

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And, the Senate bodies that’s affecting this the most now are the states. They want total abortion bans. Such as South Carolina. The 5 Republican women stood up against it and it didn’t pass, thankfully.

Plus, I feel, if a woman is married she’ll allow her husband to be involved with listening to the doctors discussions with her about this. After all, they are married. In my opinion, it’s still the woman’s decision with her doctor, but at least her husband is there, listening, and if nothing else, available to offer her all the support she needs, because she’s going to need it. At least he is able then to fully understand, and respect, her decision. It’s his job to support her, but not be blindsided by something like this.

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What if she decides not to tell her husband about the pregnancy? Or if she wants an abortion and he doesn't?

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Then that’s her business. I think she’s making a mistake, but it’s her business.

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If she and her husband are separated? But in any case, it's her body, so how is it a mistake?

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Who said anything about them being separated? I didn’t. Anyway, if you dint understand what I said, I’m sorry. I’m over this argument,

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Yes, BUT, this is because of Manchin and Sinema. Not the Democrats. These two voted against it because they didn’t get what they wanted gif their states.

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This Abortion issue is up to the woman, and her doctor. That’s it. If she’s married, and her doctor says she needs an abortion for whatever the reason, it should be discussed with her, her husband/spouse, and her doctors. Period. The government has no right sticking their noses in the issue creating laws forcing women to put their lives at risk if this is something that will save their lives.

One more thing that crosses my mind.

How many of these lawmakers have examined these women and know their medical histories?

How many of these lawmakers are gynecologists and have spent the time with each of these women discussing their individual medical histories/issues?

How many of these lawmakers give a damn about any of these women, their lives, their careers, their families?

I can answer all these questions. Not the first damn one! Not the first GOP lawmaker in any state House or Senate gives two damns about any of these women! It was just proven in South Carolina. The Carolina 5 stood up against the men in the Senate GOP, and now, they are being threatened. Receiving threats from their counterparts about forcing them out of office, and the like.

I’m a grown man, and I have enough sense about me to know that women have the right to their own body, and their own medical decisions.

These Trumpublicans need to keep their mouths shut, their opinions to themselves, and get the hell out of politics. WE THE PEOPLE, don’t need, or want, them in office!!!

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Abortion should be accessible and affordable on demand. No conferences, reviewing of medical histories or consultations with husbands. It's not up to anybody to reduce the basic right of bodily autonomy to a requirement that anyone else be consulted. Women should be able to have abortions without having to justify their decision.

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