I hate JD Vance. And I really wonder how his wife and MIL feel about these views. Does he say something different at home? Has he changed since his wife first met him?

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His wife is a protege of Amy Chua & clerked for Kavanaugh & Roberts, so I’m guessing she’s happy to do the patriarchy’s dirty work in exchange for her special carve-out of power & prestige.

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That’s a depressingly excellent way to put it

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It’s a tell when people refer to girls and women as “females” as a noun, especially when same people use the term men rather than males. A researcher friend who studies human subjects refers to them as men, women, girls, boys, people, etc. Male and female are adjectives used as part of the description of the person just as they might use race or age or some other descriptor that teases out what are studying. Referring to a person as a male or a female is dehumanizing.

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100% yes!! I see this verbiage a lot in the writing of young men -- my students. It's absolutely dehumanizing and disheartening. I'm sure some say it unknowingly, though not Vance.

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Millions of women recognize Vance's type. Not fondly.

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Ugh. The misogyny, arrogance, sanctimony, and ignorance of this man are beyond belief. Hopefully the exposure of his distorted worldview will end his political career asap. (Can’t imagine his marriage will survive much longer either given all we’ve heard.)

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Vance, like his running mate, is a hot mess masquerading as someone who’s got it Totally Together. They compensate for the disorder within by trying to impose order on others. That’s unhealthy for them, and the order they seek to impose on others is positively sick.

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His wife is a good wife and mother, even though she isn't white! Arrogance and sanctimony!!🤢 What an entitled weird dangerous creep!

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I feel like a lot of men are sexist and misogynist without even knowing it. It's like a subconscious thing.

They feel like men are smarter and they're meant to be in charge

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Yes, it's built into our society. Women have fallen for it, too. It will take the people to fight against that nonsense with every fiber of their beings to overcome it. Many are working toward this goal...but even more of our citizens are fighting to keep the fallacy that men are superior alive. That is bad for men, as well.

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Well, JD Vance is probably very aware of his misogyny. But other men not so much

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The conservatives absolutely know they think men are superior, but defend the belief because it's just "nature" and "you can't argue with nature." 🤮

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Praise. You absolutely nail the core insanity of his thinking. Good lord is it infuriating.

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It may be time to battle this nonsense with the truth: women are superior to men in every way but physical strength larger bones and muscles. ;) After we clear that up, let's talk about the fact that the entire responsibility of children in this country is on women. We all know, when it comes to making babies, it takes two to tango. Sperm is always involved in the making of a child. Thus, men should share equal responsibility the outcome of the act...his baby. Until sperm are legislated, women will never be equal citizens under the law.

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One supposes he is incapable of comprehending, “One is not born, one becomes a woman” what a dunderhead.

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This is a very sick man.

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Vance is a sick freak. I hope he keeps running his mouth, watches himself lose every major voting bloc this November, and disappears into the oblivion he belongs in.

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