I think some of these extremists actually DO think a fertilized egg is the equivalent of a person, though. I think they neither understand nor value what actually makes human life valuable and so they are unable to differentiate between a person out living in the world, a fertilized egg, an ectopic or other nonviable embryo or fetus that will never be a baby, and a brain dead body with its organs run by machines. After all, these are the people who oppose every single policy and program that would support human thriving and a healthy society. That’s why they are so unmoved by the suffering of others. That’s why there are “jokes” about them believing life begins at conception and ends at birth. The people who shout the loudest about being “pro-life” protest too much - they actually don’t grasp the value of humanity at all. And they shouldn’t be given the power to determine how our country is run.

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The SBC was specifically formed to continue the practice of slavery. They know exactly what they are doing: they are searching for the fastest and easiest route back to that power dynamic.

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Follow their logic all the way down: if life begins at conception and they see themselves as "defenders of life" then they have the right to know and police when, where, why and with who you engage in sexual activities with. SBC is setting up conditions to have access to and policing rights over what goes on in your bedroom, a sex ed class, a doctor's office, a rape case, a fertility treatment, a birth control issuance. That is the end goal - the SBC's sweaty, pig-minded misogynist leadership gets final and ultimate say on all of this.

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"The SBC lost the battle over segregation and Jim Crow, so they had to find a new way to be insufferable assholes"

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Fred Slack has some remarkable details regarding how the SBC became what it is today.


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