I’m a Gen Xennial who got a lot of lucky breaks, but wow, looking at the state of housing prices my kids are facing now or in the near future — it’s terrifying. And completely a choice a small minority of very rich older people have made for society, which we have yet to really challenge.

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This really resonates with me, as an older Millennial in a very similar situation to yours!

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Jun 8, 2023·edited Jun 8, 2023

"The foundation of the American dream is that each generation will do better than the one before. Millennials are the first American generation for which this American dream may not be realized."

The so-called American dream is a myth, and it always was. What a disappointing set of talking points. You can do better than resorting to an old stereotype. You were able to go to law school. Millions and millions of baby boomers didn't. And I really do need a break from all the crying and doom.

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