Women, read anything by Mariam Barghouti, Noura Erakat, Bisan Owda, Ahed Tamimi if you want to know what truly fierce feminism is. That is intersectional, courageous, and pinpoints how empire feeds you pseudo-liberal nonsense while not challenging the principles that make both the commodification of wellness for western women and the silence on Arab women possible. That sedate you with writing that makes you feel progressive and liberated all while women that you profess to care about are living through hell, dying and watching their babies starve. I will not be resubscribing.

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State of the world’s women: Not one damn thing about women giving birth on rubble heaps in Gaza. About sexual violence in Israeli prisons. About the thousands of dead mothers and the girls using tent scraps for their periods. How much are you paid, Jill, to write happy posts as if there is no genocide happening? A genocide that is disproportionately killing the women that you aren’t writing about? And also no recognition that the sensational story in the NYT about sexual violence has, buried in it, the admission that there is NO EVIDENCE or that Israel will not allow international investigators in? Feminism indeed. As long as it doesn’t address the utterly depraved indifference to Palestinians. SHAME ON YOU

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